Nolvadren XT

Is estrogen and cortisol holding your body captive?

The Infamous Estrogen Bloat & Cortisol Love Handles that plague nearly every physique is not something minor you can simply tweak in your diet or training regimen to fix. It’s a hormonal tragedy that can be caused by too many things.

The Estrogen Metabolizer

Healthy Estrogen Balance is crucial to promoting a dry, hard-looking physique.

But beyond that, too much estrogen will make you want to cuddle up with your girlfriend & read a book over hitting the gym… yeah that’s what I thought – lets get this under control!

In recent studies Androst-3,5-dien-7,17-dione has shown to dramatically inhibit aromatase in human microsomes. This promotes huge positive effects on free Testosterone:Estrogen Ratio in your body. This is HUGE!

Positive Beneficial Estrogen Metabolites

When Estrogen is broken down in your body, it can either form beneficial or harmful estrogen metabolites. DIM helps your body to break down estrogen into the beneficial type. This encourages lean body mass & anti-aging effects. DIM also simultaneously reduces the levels of harmful estrogen metabolites & appears to promote a healthy balance of testosterone in the body.

Harder, Dryer, Leaner Like Never Before

Cortisol is the stress hormone that may instruct the body to breakdown muscle tissue & increases visceral adipose tissue (solid belly fat that most of us have). This solid belly fat is near impossible to lose – especially when cortisol levels remain high.

This could also be the reason why you can’t achieve “washboard abs”.

Research indicates key ingredients in Nolvadren XT work by inhibiting the enzyme that converts cortisone to the stress hormone cortisol. This stops cortisol at the source promoting a Harder, Dryer, Leaner Looking Physique.

Near Perfect Muscle Building State

This is where Nolvadren XT shines. Containing precise ratios of actives to achieve a near perfect hormonal state addressing Testosterone, Estrogen, & Cortisol to shift you into a muscle building state